Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences- Conflict of Interest Form
Conflict of Interest Form

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Conflict of Interest Form
A form of conflict of interest is an agreement that the author (s) of a manuscript declares that the publication ethic has the entirety complied and plagiarism, misconduct, forgery, or duplication submission have avoided. Furthermore, there is no commercial interest in this regard and the authors have not received any money for submitting their work. The corresponding author signs and approves this form on behalf of other authors and declares the originality of its content. The corresponding author also states that this manuscript has not been published elsewhere, and nor been submitted to another journal at the same time. Also, all rights to use the content, tables, images, etc. have been assigned to the publisher.
Corresponding author: Email address:
Affiliation: Phone number:
Are the author (s) received money from a third party (governmental, commercial, private foundation, etc.) for any part of the manuscriptsubmitted (including funding, data monitoring, study design, work preparation, data analysis, etc.)?
                                                                                                                                                                Yes¨                     No¨
Do the authors have any invention related to this work that is being done, arbitrating, or registered?
                                                                                                                                                 Yes¨                     No¨
Are there any other ways for readers to access additional information about the work from the authors?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Yes¨                     No¨
Is there any aspect of this work related to laboratory animals or specific human diseases that requires declaration and confirmation of publishing ethics?
Yes¨                     No¨
Corresponding author:                                                   Date:                                          Signature:
Topic URL in Iranian Journal of Crop Sciences website:
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